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When you are charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), you are probably wondering what your legal options are going forward. Even first-time offenders can face license suspension and other penalties, including jail time.
However, with the assistance of an experienced DWI attorney, you may be able to avoid the serious consequences that can accompany a conviction for driving while intoxicated. Schedule a case evaluation to discuss how we could help you fight the charges for a first-time DWI in Bloomington.
Minnesota’s legal blood alcohol driving limit is 0.08. However, motorists can still be charged with a DWI for a lower blood alcohol content (BAC), depending on the circumstances. For example, commercial drivers are subject to a DWI if they have a BAC of 0.04.
The penalties and administrative sanctions for driving while intoxicated depend on the specifics of the case, but a first-time offender faces potential jail time and license suspension for 30 days to a year. Minnesota also requires that first-time DWI offenders use an ignition interlock or risk losing their driving privileges for a period of one to two years.
In Bloomington, the legal consequences associated with a DWI will depend on a variety of factors, such as whether this was the first-time offense and if someone was injured as a result of the driver’s conduct. Likewise, drivers under the age of 21 and those with commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) may be subject to enhanced penalties for a DWI conviction.
A DWI-related conviction can impact many areas of a person’s life, like their home or work, and damage their reputation. A strong defense strategy depends on the evidence and circumstances of a particular case, but an effective plan can seriously reduce the consequences of a DWI charge. Some common defenses include:
When you are charged with a first-time DWI in Bloomington, you may be subject to fines, jail time, and license suspension. A knowledgeable lawyer from our firm could develop a defense strategy unique to your case and mitigate the impact of the charges.
When you are arrested for a DWI, it is important to immediately seek legal representation. Even first-time offenders can face harsh penalties. Not to mention, having a permanent charge on your record can heavily impact your life. The lawyers at our firm understand the severity of a criminal charge and how it can impact your future.
There is no reason you should have to fight DWI charges on your own. When you are arrested for a first-time DWI in Bloomington, our seasoned defense attorneys could advise you of your rights and help you navigate the criminal justice system. They could review the case against you and recommend the best course of action. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.