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We expect our doctors and other medical staff to help cure and treat us. But medical professionals make mistakes, sometimes with grave consequences.
If you or a loved one was harmed by medical error, a Bloomington medical malpractice lawyer at BK Law Group could help you understand your legal options. Our personal injury attorneys are standing by to help fight for the compensation you deserve.
Healthcare professionals sometimes err in the diagnosis, treatment, management, or care of their patients. Some mistakes are harmless and have no adverse consequences. But what about when the physician or nurse’s mistake seriously injures a patient? Even then, the error only rises to the level of legally actionable legal malpractice when the medical practitioner fails to provide the appropriate level of medical care to the patient.
Minnesota courts recognize that not all healthcare practitioners are the same, so they do not hold them all to the same standard. Instead, they expected to perform as someone with their training and background would perform under similar circumstances. For example, a court would not expect a medical technician to spot the signs of a heart attack. However, they might expect a highly trained cardiac surgeon to recognize the signs and make a timely diagnosis. A seasoned attorney in Bloomington could help determine whether a provider’s behavior constituted legally actionable medical malpractice in a particular situation.
Malpractice can cover a wide variety of medical mistakes, including the following:
Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab workers, hospitals, EMTs, nursing homes, and other medical providers can be held accountable for their negligent errors on the job. The lawyers at BK Law could help an injured patient in Bloomington bring a malpractice claim against the medical worker who harmed them. An experienced attorney knows how to diligently comb through the medical records to determine who is at fault for a medical mistake and can take the necessary legal action against them.
If you are suffering because of the negligent mistake of a healthcare provider, you need experienced legal help. Unfortunately, doctors and hospitals almost never admit to making a mistake. They have highly trained attorneys on staff who help them fight liability. That is why it is critical to work with a seasoned Bloomington medical malpractice lawyer who has the practical skills, legal knowledge, and medical understanding.
At BK Law Group, our attorneys know how to interpret complex medical records. We work with specialized medical experts who could help review your medical records to determine if you have a viable case. Set up your free consultation today to get started.