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Domestic violence is a serious issue, and for those convicted of committing such crimes, the consequences can be particularly severe. A domestic violence conviction can lead to serious consequences for your life, including difficulty getting jobs and housing, not to mention the damage to your reputation. This is why anyone in Minneapolis facing a domestic violence charge is well advised to contact an experienced criminal lawyer for assistance with their case.
An attorney from our firm could scrutinize each aspect of your case, including police procedure; the reliability of evidence, such as witness statements; the presence of mitigating factors; and the possibility of a false accusation. Our precise defense strategy might rest on the facts of your case, but having an experienced advocate on your side could make dealing with the legal process easier and possibly facilitate a more favorable outcome.
The North Star State considers domestic crimes as both misdemeanors and felonies. Minnesota Statutes § 609.2242 defines domestic assault as purposefully causing bodily harm against a family or household member or committing an act intending to cause fear of imminent harm or death. This charge is a misdemeanor with consequences of up to 90 days in jail and fines up to $1,000.
Law enforcement may consider a repeat offense as gross misdemeanor domestic assault, which can result in up to 364 days in jail and fines of up to $3,000. An experienced Minneapolis domestic violence lawyer could advise as to the specifics of this statute.
Additionally, the court can prohibit someone with a domestic violence conviction from possessing a firearm for a period. Conviction on a domestic violence charge involving a firearm may also result in firearm forfeiture, the violating of which is its own misdemeanor offense. Obviously, this could be a major concern to hunters and gun owners.
A separate category of domestic assault—cases involving strangulation—is treated differently. This is a felony crime and has consequences of up to three years in prison and fines of up to $5,000. A felony conviction would also mean serious repercussions for a person’s life, including possible difficulty getting employment, renting an apartment, or owning a firearm.
Someone facing a felony domestic violence charge in Minneapolis should call an attorney for advice about their case. A lawyer could look at all the facts at hand and come up with a defense strategy that aims to get their client the best possible result.
An experienced Minneapolis attorney may be able to have domestic violence charges reduced or dropped, especially for first-time offenders. A lawyer could thoroughly investigate the government’s case—elements such as the reliability of witness statements, the police procedure followed at the time of arrest, and the victim’s credibility—in service of their client.
Once the facts are known, a lawyer may be able to negotiate for a plea deal with the prosecution or push for a reduced or alternative sentence. A defense attorney who has handled these cases time and again will know the legal landscape and what options might be available to their client.
The legal system can be extremely confusing and complex for non-lawyers to navigate on their own, and the consequences of a conviction are too high not to take a domestic violence charge seriously. By calling a Minneapolis domestic violence attorney from our firm for a consultation today, you are taking step one toward getting your life back in order. You owe it to yourself to obtain good representation.