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Depending on the dollar amount of the case, theft charges can lead to consequences including fines and jail time. When you are facing theft charges, an experienced criminal defense attorney will understand the nuances of the law and could provide advice tailored to your case.
For example, a Minneapolis theft lawyer could challenge the evidence, seeking to have it qualified or thrown out. In instances where the case against you is strong and the possible consequences are severe, your attorney may advocate for a plea deal. If your case goes to trial, they could draw on their years of experience with theft cases to represent you in court and argue for a more lenient outcome.
One type of theft charge defendants encounter is theft by swindle, covered by Minnesota Statutes § 609.52. Theft by swindle refers to a person obtaining property (including money) or services through false representations or deceit. Some examples of theft by swindle include knowingly selling counterfeit tickets to a game or concert, switching the price tags on items so they ring up lower at the register, selling counterfeit products like fake handbags or watches, and writing checks on a closed bank account.
In theft by swindle cases, an experienced Minneapolis lawyer could provide a defense by drawing attention to procedural errors in the case, challenging the evidence of the supposed swindle, and seeking to prove a lack of intent on the defendant’s part.
Shoplifting is the act of stealing items from a store, and the seriousness of a shoplifting charge – whether it amounts to a misdemeanor or felony – depends on the dollar amount of the goods. Generally, the offense is a felony when the stolen amount is $1,000 or higher.
There are many ways a knowledgeable theft lawyer in Minneapolis could combat a shoplifting charge. They could argue the store did not follow proper procedures when apprehending the shoplifter, challenge the credibility of witnesses, and point out flaws or gaps in surveillance footage. In cases where the evidence is overwhelming, an attorney could advocate for a more lenient sentence, especially for minor and first offenses.
The theft of a motor vehicle can lead to a sentence of up to five years in prison. This is a serious charge to face, making competent representation crucial.
A theft attorney in Minneapolis could examine the circumstances behind an alleged motor vehicle theft, question the evidence in the case, and advocate for a defendant before the court by proposing all possible defenses to the charge.
Do not attempt to face a theft charge on your own. An experienced Minneapolis theft lawyer has handled every type of theft case and knows how to provide the strongest possible defense. Even when they do not result in jail time, theft convictions can have lasting consequences, such as damaging your reputation and limiting your job prospects.
When you are facing a theft charge, call our firm today for a consultation. There are no guarantees, but the process will go more smoothly, be less stressful, and is more likely to lead to a favorable outcome when you have experienced representation at your side.