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It is recommended that all businesses, no matter the size, need to maintain a healthy and productive work environment between their employers and employees. This means it is necessary to discipline employees for factors based on performance and conduct issues. Our employment law associates at BK Law Group are experienced to provide counseling to businesses in order to protect them from possible disputes in the future. Counseling can include setting an attendance policy, drafting progressive discipline policies and procedures, avoiding discrimination when disciplining employees and more.
Terminating employees can also create a major risk for the company if it isn’t conducted properly. Reasons for termination can include an employee conducting fraud, a pattern of poor performance, inappropriate behavior and more. It can also be for purposes of cutting down the budget in order to keep a business running properly. Before deciding to terminate an employee, it is necessary to consult with an attorney to develop a clear internal process to review a possible termination, assess the possible risk and how to avoid them in the future. As well as how to conduct the termination meeting and progressively as possible.
Call us at (952) 314-5101 or use our contact form to arrange a consultation with our attorneys. We offer convenient office hours, flexible appointment times and reasonable fees. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
BK Law Group
BK Law Group, L.L.C. is a law firm that offers diverse legal services. We take pride in our client-centered approach. Our mission is to even the playing field and fight for our clients to achieve the best possible outcome in every situation.
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