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Minneapolis DUI penalties include both criminal and administrative penalties. Individuals who have been accused of drunk or impaired driving need to understand the penalties they may be facing if convicted. Taking prompt and preventative action is essential after a drunk driving arrest.
If you have been accused of intoxicated driving, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of Minnesota DWI laws and defenses. A skilled DWI lawyer could review your case and help you develop a custom defense strategy.
Driving under the influence (DUI) is the act of drunk, intoxicated, or impaired driving. In Minnesota, the technical term is driving while impaired (DWI). A DWI is a criminal offense that can result in misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony charges.
A driver is considered intoxicated under the law if they have a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or higher or have a detectable amount of drugs or other intoxicating substances in their system. This means that an officer can arrest a person if they have probable cause to believe the person is impaired.
There are four degrees of DWI. The degree depends on the presence of aggravating factors, such as prior DWI offenses. The higher the degree of the offense, the more severe the penalties. No matter the degree, it is vital to take these charges seriously because a conviction can mean a criminal record.
A fourth-degree DWI in Minnesota is a misdemeanor. This means that a person is driving while impaired, and there were no aggravating factors. A misdemeanor DUI may result in up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Third-degree and second-degree DWIs are classified as gross misdemeanors. This means that there were one or more aggravating factors. A gross misdemeanor may result in up to one year in jail and a $3,000 fine.
A first-degree DWI in Minnesota is a felony. A DWI is a felony if there are serious aggravating factors, such as:
A felony DWI may result in up to seven years in prison and a $14,000 fine.
An attorney in Minneapolis could provide guidance for individuals facing DWI penalties, helping them navigate the legal process, protect their rights, and work toward the best possible outcome.
In addition to criminal penalties, a DWI charge in Minneapolis can result in several administrative penalties. These penalties include license revocation, impoundment of license plate, and forfeiture of vehicle.
The lack of stable transportation from the loss of a vehicle and driver’s license can cause serious consequences in someone’s life, particularly if a person relies on their vehicle to get to work or to earn a living.
To regain driving privileges, a person may need to install an ignition interlock device into their vehicle. This is in addition to other fees related to reinstatement of their driver’s license or reclamation of their vehicle’s license plate.
Minneapolis DUI penalties range in severity, but regardless, those charged with a DWI will want to take action to defend against both criminal and administrative penalties. A Minneapolis DUI lawyer could help to create a comprehensive defense strategy and protect your legal rights.
Understanding the penalties you may be facing if convicted of a DWI is crucial. If you have been accused of impaired driving, let an experienced defense attorney help. Call our firm to learn more about your legal options today.