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Law enforcement officials frequently prioritize the investigation of alleged sex crimes. With charges ranging from sexual assault to sexual conduct with a minor, the police tend to aggressively pursue these cases. This tenacity often holds true for prosecutors that take over the case following an arrest.
Despite taking an aggressive approach, police and prosecutors routinely make mistakes in sex crimes cases. If you have been charged with a sex crime, a skilled attorney could help you protect your rights and your reputation. An Edina sex crimes lawyer could consider the facts of your case and advocate on your behalf.
There are numerous defense strategies that could be available to a person charged with a sex crime. Some defenses might be viable in one case but not the other. It is best to rely on the guidance of an experienced Edina lawyer when developing a defense in a sex crimes case.
Consent is frequently a major issue in sex offense prosecutions. Evidence that the complaining witness consented to the sexual conduct could provide a jury the reasonable doubt necessary to acquit the defendant.
Although it is commonly used in sex offense cases, the defense of consent is not always viable. Consent is not a defense in cases where consent is impossible, as is the case with sex offenses targeting minor children.
A person accused of a sex offense has no obligation to testify at trial or offer an alternative theory of what actually happened. It is the state’s duty in a sex offense case to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes, the strongest defense is to simply highlight the deficiencies in the state’s case. Pointing to a lack of convincing evidence could be a strong strategy for securing an acquittal in a sex crimes case.
There may be instances where the identity of the alleged perpetrator of a sexual assault is in question, such as when the complaining witness did not recognize the perpetrator. This could also be an issue in cases involving a complaining witness that was not conscious at the time of the sexual contact. When the identity of the alleged perpetrator is in question, establishing that someone other than the defendant was responsible could be a viable defense.
One notable aspect of sex crimes cases is that a conviction could lead to registration on the state sex offender registry. Sexual assault and indecent exposure, among a number of other convictions, could require registration. A person required to register must keep updated information with the state and abide by rules regarding living within close proximity to schools.
Failure to comply with registry requirements can lead to serious consequences. In some cases, the failure to register as a sex offender could bring steeper jail terms than the underlying crime itself. A well-practiced sex crimes attorney could help a defendant fight allegations of failure to register as a sex offender in Edina.
Allegations of a sex crime could turn your life upside down. The consequences of a conviction are even more disruptive. Given the stakes, it is vital to seek legal counsel immediately following a sex crimes arrest.
Do not roll the dice on your future. Put your case in the hands of a diligent Edina sex crimes lawyer. A hardworking attorney could provide your case with the attention that it deserves, fighting hard to ensure that you are fairly represented. Call today to learn more.